Saturday, February 6, 2010

.....My greatest man Of all.....

Once upOn a time....he is just my nOrmal & irritating & annOying classmate. He thOught he was the mOst hansOme guy in the schOOl....Hergh!!!!(actually i'm alsO quite agree la but nOt tO said in frOnt Of this snObbish guy). Well, i used tO like him soooOOOO much that i can barely cOnsentrate in class (One thing i cOnsentrate the mOst is HIM la...kui3) but i never thOught he dOn't even like me at all. SOb3....Why?because i'm alsO pretty ma....sumemOre i was very pOpular OsO.He has nO reasOn nOt tO like me tau...ngeee....Instead, he had a crush On my clOse fwens....which is a bit prettier than me...a bit Only Ok?HOw cOuld he....SO...its kinda funny hOw fate bring us tOgether....Mybe God gives us sOme hints but i was tOO blind tO see. I alwez & alwez bump intO him in every phrase Of my life....Well, though he was my best fwens but it dOesn't mean that we have to see each Other everyday...aite?I just cannOt see that until we finally be tOgether because Of the same reasOn....Heart breaking!!!Nevertheless, he's mine nOw....HUAHUAHUARGGGHH.....& i LOVE damn damn damn much.....

SO as time gOes LOVE for him is getting deeper & deeper & deeper.....& tOday. NObOdy can break us apart...i can surely say that.....huhuhuhu...

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